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Thoughts & Inspiration

I'm sorry for such a delayed post – it's been a whirlwind of a week with packing, leaving, and then being with the first K-Life team.  So, where to begin??

My last week in Denver was so wonderful!  I was surprised with a going away party the Sunday before I left, went to Elitch's and had a sleepover with my small group girls for our end-of-the-year party/gooodbyes, spent time with my roommate-for-a-week, Tiffany, at a Rockies game, and on my last night was blessed by 4 of my small group girls with lanterns lining my driveway that lead me into my house where they had set up a washbin to wash my feet and pray for me before I left.  I couldn't have asked for a better send-off than what my wonderful friends gave me in my last week.  So much love and many thanks to you all! 

Honestly, though, all of that seems like ages ago with how much we did upon getting here for K-Life's mission trip.  What an amazing week it was too!  So much transformation in these awesome high-school kids!  A glimpse into our week (I wish I had more pictures to share, but I found I didn't take very many…) 

We went to a neighborhood called Pantanal (where the school I will eventually be working toward will be built) to clean and play soccer with the kids.  Mid cleanup it downpours which created a mud pit and everyone being absolutely covered in mud.  Watching the K-Life kids and the Nica kids have so much fun together was a total joy!  Other days we went to different ministry sites – some were Vacation Bible School for kids, prayer walk, nursing home, lunch at The Dump, Special Needs school, girls orphanage, Cana Castillo and Fortin (all-day feeding programs/VBS).  

Days we didn't go to ministry sites the kids had the chance to do a couple excursions – bike to the laguna and spend the day swimming and relaxing as well zip lining and shopping in the Masaya market.



The nights we had devotionals and worship and it was beautiful to watch God work in these kids hearts during those.  By the end of the week we had about 7 kids choose to get baptized and I truly can't find the words to express how powerful of an experience that was – I was speechless!

Today was a transition day between groups so we're just waiting for the 2nd group to get into town and I'm thrilled for them to get here because I have 3 of my small group girls coming and I can't wait to experience all of this with them!  It was hard to say bye to the team from last week, though.  Two of my very good friends came as leaders and the kids were so awesome!  As great things go, though, great things come, so I know God has more in store.

Life will look pretty different once the teams leave.  How exactly, I'm not real sure, and I hear the Lord saying "Wait", so we'll see what that means!

Until next time…

Much love!