
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

October was the month of the World Racers.  The World Race is a year-long missions trip organized by Adventures in Missions that sends a group of people out to 11 different countries in 11 months to partner with various mission bases around the world and purely do that, partner to share the love of Christ.  This particular team launched in September to Guatemala and then spent their 2nd month here with us in Granada, Nicaragua.  They left for the Philippines on Friday and it was a tearful goodbye for everyone.  

Since August, maybe, that’s what I had in my mind and was preparing for.  Scott and Jenn were asked by AIM to host 2 teams of the squad that launched in September and El Puente was asked to host 1 team.  Well, October has since come and gone and has now taken a dear group of brothers and sisters to the Philippines.

The prep leading up to their arrival made me a little nervous for the busyness that seemed to be coming and then with the revolving door preparing to spin, yet again, I could feel walls being built and a guard for myself and our ministries being put up.  But in a short (too short) 3 weeks, something different happened and a group of incredibly thoughtful and caring people came into Granada and brought so much life and energy, new eyes and passionate hearts, sensitivity and compassion to people and ministries that seemed to have grown a little cold over the last few months.  They helped Ernestina with her feeding program by organizing the kids into groups and getting English lessons started, they amped up sports ministry with a weekend soccer clinic/tournament, they went to the jail with Scott and Jenn and filled it with God’s word, they prayed and worshiped like crazy, and brought so much love to so many men, children and women in Granada.  I know I’m forgetting things because that only seems to scratch the surface, but mainly they came alongside us and just made things better!  🙂

They were a team; they were the body of Christ.  

And they lived out their call to love so well that I couldn’t help but to let the walls fall and allow an affection to grow so deep for each person that we were blessed to have for a leg of their journey.  I don’t think they’ll ever fully know the impact they had here – on the people they met and ministries they were involved in, but on me as well!  

It was all just so refreshing and filling.  I have new eyes and a new love for kids that were before a little challenging.  I have a deeper care for those I knew but got to watch the team fall in love with.  I have a renewed excitement for ministries that are now changed because of their help and ideas.  I’ve been filled up by their worship, encouragement, love and care that I received from them.  

And for all of that I am so deeply grateful!  I encourage you to look into the World Race and see what it’s all about, as well as follow the awesome people on it and see what God does in and through them as they continue on the Race.  If it’s anything like what they did in Nicaragua, it’s going to be absolutely amazing, and the world will never be the same!  

Until next time…

Much love!


4 responses to “The World Race.”

  1. This made my heart so happy to read! Margot told me she wants to go back to Nicaragua…..Spirit lead her:)
    Thanks for sharing your blog.
    Sheryl Moore

  2. Thank you for this beautifully written blog! Those of us left behind are hungry for stories and to hear how God is moving in the lives of the world racers and those they come in contact with. Thanks for sharing!!
    In Christ,
    Barbara Berndt

  3. Kelsey,
    What an amazing blog post. Thank-you so very much for showing Christ Jesus in all that you did with us. It has been such an amazing month with you. Please know that you and your team there have changed my life for ever. I will be praying for you and all the amazing Nica people… Y’all hold a very special place in my heart.

  4. Thrilled to be a follower of Jesus and a follower of this particular World Race team. Thanks for sharing!