
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

After looking at my last post I'm realizing a lot has happened since then!  Just in the last week Heather and I have done a lot of planning, had a lot of meetings, and have made more to-do lists than we can keep up with!  If I haven't mentioned before, Heather is here with me to work on the Kid's Program in Pantanal.  She'll be here until December and is an absolute blessing!

To start this week off, we spent Monday night and Tuesday in a town about 3 hours away from Granada called Dario.  The Thursday before we were able to meet with "the expert", Narlly, about our ideas for the Kid's Program and made plans to visit her school.  So, Monday afternoon Heather and I went on an Express bus to Managua, spent the night with Narlly and her precious family, and then spent the afternoon at her school.  We were able to observe the 2 pre-school classes, talk with the teachers, and just spend time at the school.  It was so great to see, and hear, a school run in Spanish, but also to be encouraged in what I have been blessed to learn about teaching!

Julio, Narlly, Heather, and I                

We came back to a busy day on Wednesday with bible study in the morning, our first Spanish class, and our first English class/cooking lessons with a family here.  In between all of that we went to the market and Gonper (a supply store in Granada) to get prices on all of the supplies we may need for our budget.  It was a packed-full day and ended so wonderfully at Jesse's house with his family.  I had been feeling a little homesick for my family that day so to be welcomed into their home and loved like their family was really nice.  They taught us how to make gallo pinto (a Nicaraguan dish where they mix together rice and beans), seasoned chicken, fresh pico de gallo, and tostones (cut green plantains, fried and pressed).  It was great!

Heather making tostones           v          

Thursday was spent with more planning and prep work and a meeting with Charles, which I left feeling so encouraged and uplifted.  This week has been busy, but upon reflecting on everything we did, the Lord used so much to encourage me in what I know and what we're working on.  Then, Friday we had our English class at El Puente for the kids who come to the bible study.  It went SO well!  If you ever heard me talk about teaching at El Puente last year, you would have heard a lot of unsuccessful attempts, discouragement, and frustrations, so words can't express my excitement for a successful and enjoyable class!  We read them a book and played a game with them to practice numbers 1-10 in English.

I am just blown away at God's faithfulness in all of this.  There are still days that I am adjusting, for sure, and there is still a lot to be done, but with each day I feel a little stronger and each day He draws me closer to Him.  What could be better?

Until next time…

Much love!