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If you don't know already God has called me down a new path back to do mission work in Granada, Nicaragua at El Puente. I will be working on the Christian Education Center they are developing!  My heart for education, love for children, and desire to be back in Nicaragua have all aligned to take me back.  All those nights at El Puente wondering if this could be for me, all those days riding around town from VBS to VBS wondering if I could live there and lead that life, and all those prayers of where is my life heading…were answered.  

I'm a mix of thrilled, and nervous, to get back.  I love my life in Denver with fabulous friends, parks and coffee shops at every street corner, the mountains just outside my back door.  I treasure only being a quick/fairly easy trip from my family and my darling niece, so I'm nervous as to what life in another country will do to what I know and the friendships and relationships I have here.

Sometimes I wonder why would I change something so great?  It's a battle I fought for months before I finally committed to moving to Nicaragua, but what eventually won out – Nicaraguan children holding my hands as I walked through their neighborhood after a game of kickball or Gato y Raton…riding bikes to Lake Nicaragua to go fishing with the neighborhood kids or watch the sunrise…learning from the El Puente staff and being apart of the work God is doing through that church…being welcomed into the homes of families in Pantanal, who I don't really know, and braiding hair or drawing pictures…trying to communicate (in my very broken Spanish) to the people who still want to hear what I have to say…watching soccer game after soccer game or playing marbles outside El Puente…sitting on the steps talking to everyone that just enjoys being there…simply living life with the families….And hopefully having them see the love of Christ through me.

After taking that leap and committing, I've received email after email and packet after packet of things to fill out, do, and sign, and with life in Denver keeping on at full force, it's been a little overwhelming at times.  I'm definitely in a season of learning and new experiences, but blessed with people at every turn that are able to answer the exact questions I have.  My biggest hurdle right now is figuring out what to do for financial support, as I hardly have anything raised.  I have a training this Wednesday, but only a few months to get everything together, so this April and May sure will be interesting!

Until next time…

Much love,

One response to “This journey called “My Life””

  1. Congrats Kelsey!! This is so exciting! We just moved to Colorado Springs so I know the feeling of loving the mountains and everything about life in Colorado! I also just got back from Haiti and know first hand how your heart aches when you leave such a beautiful place with beautiful people. I’m so excited that you have been so faithful and said Yes to God’s call to serve. Bobby and I will be praying for you! Keep us updated!