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Thoughts & Inspiration

Confident. Adequate. Willing.
Those were the last 3 words I wrote in my journal two days ago.  Those 3 words were my prayer for that day since they followed many other words of feeling inadequate, timid, and unsure.  I had just Skyped with 2 girls in Nicaragua and was feeling somewhat overwhelmed by what I was walking into.  

Do I have the skills to help with the ministries of El Puente?  Am I able to do mission work in a foreign country?  Can I learn Spanish so that I can invest in the families and people I will be working with?  And the questions go on…

But in that overwhelming feeling of inadequacy, God carried me to a point of peace assuring me that He will be there to work through my weaknesses.  

My fellowship group from church is going through Spiritual Classics by Richard Foster and this week was focused on Submission (Note God's timing there…) and in Alan Paton's selection he said, "No Christian should ever think or say that he is not fit to be God's instrument, for that in fact is what it means to be a Christian."  That spoke volumes to me because in my worry of being able to  (fill in the blank) , I was lessening the power and strength of our God to empower me for His glory!  Praise Him that I came to that realization and can hand over the reigns.  This isn't me working in Nicaragua, nor will it ever be me, and that's why it will work!

So, as I prepare my heart over the next 4 weeks this is my prayer:

"Lord, make me willing to be used by Thee.  May my knowledge of my unworthiness never make me resist being used by Thee.  May the need of others always be remembered by me, so that I may ever be wiling to be used by Thee.  And open my eyes and my heart that I may this coming day be able to do some work of peace for Thee."
Until next time…

Much love.